My parents travel quite a lot.

Pop takes pictures.

My mom poses for them.

Over the years I have gotten many delightful pictures in the mail, with exposition written on the back in ball-point pen. I thought I would make my mother famous by posting some of my favorites on my website. Come with me and let's see the world, Mom-style!

Location: Hell

Just for the record, I'm not swearing, the name of this place really is Hell. It smells really bad here, like sulfur or bad gas. And talk about humid! I'm never going to complain about the weather again! The man in charge was very polite, and had a goatee that made him look like the devil. Pop explained to him that we were trying to get to Al's using directions we printed out from MSN Maps, and he explained that Microsoft products lead many people on the road to Hell. Once he found out that we were tourists, he was very friendly. He had a drink with Pop and danced with me in the pale moonlight. I asked him if we could see him again, and he laughed and said, "Lady, if there was ever a couple destined for Elsewhere, it is you two! We shan't meet again." I was a little offended, but Pop says he was paying us a compliment.

That's All!! View the first picture.
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� Douglas J. Shaw, 2003